While planning your wedding toast speech it IS okay to take a look around. Now that you’ve already sat down and thought about your own ideas for a while, you can take a look at what others have to say. It is sadly common for the best man or the maid of honor to Google “Best Man Speech” or “Maid of Honor Speech” and insert the proper names into a prefabricated script. Don’t let that be you!
True story: One weekend while filming a wedding the toasts begin with the best man. Only a sentence or two into the speech and we recognized it instantly. “Wait a minute…didn’t the best man from last week give the same speech?!?” So now two best men were in trouble. There’s a word for this: plagiarism.
Yes, it’s a big deal.
No, it’s not worth it.
Yes, people will find out.
No, it’s not cool.
Yes, you can do better.
No, don’t plagiarize.
Jeremy and Amy had some of the best toasts we’ve heard. In fact, the length of their toasts ended up being longer than their ceremony! They invited several people from the bridal party and both fathers to speak. Each person was well-prepared and had such a unique touch that had the crowd rolling in laughter and sniffling in tears.